Albums as Fester Spunk

Fester Spunk: Songs for Golem (2019)
Produced by Fester Spunk
Featured performers: Bobby K. (drums); Fester Spunk (knobs and gadgets)

Tech Tonic (2014)
Produced by Fester Spunk
Featured performers: Alberto Bird (piano); Laila Jane Goble (screams); Scott Marcus (drums); Raul Perez (reeds);   Juliet Quick (vox);  Carl Sansariq (guitar); Dylan Shad (bass, knobs); Rees Shad (guitar, vox); Fester Spunk (knobs and gadgets)

Fester Spunk: Spackle & Glue (2012)
Produced by Fester Spunk
Featured performers: John Arrucci (drums); Bobby K. (drums); Fester Spunk (knobs and gadgets)

Fester Spunk: How To Combat Ghosts & Interference (2007)
Produced by Fester Spunk
Featured performers: John Arrucci (drums); Bobby Kay (drums); Fester Spunk (knobs and gadgets).
Or Listen to the entire album on Spotify

Fester Spunk: Songs for Astounding Science Fiction (2005)
Produced by Fester Spunk
Featured performers: Douglas Ford (keys); Bobby Kay (drums); Todd Haviland (bass); Fester Spunk (knobs and gadgets)